Fireflies attract attention
They have a short life span
The purpose of their flashing lights:
• To signal a warning to predators
• To attract mates – multiply
Some species are nearly extinct
Lighting the Way for Generation ALPHA
Our job is to attract children from darkness to the LIGHT.
We have a short "4-14" window of receptivity.
Our purpose:
• To signal a warning of the enemy
• To multiply
The number of believers is rapidly declining.
"When do we have to come inside?"
"When you see the fireflies."
Our kids loved to play outside, but as night began to fall, it was time to come in, where it was safe. Each evening, for a short time, the fireflies would light up our entire backyard. Their unmistakable glow was the signal that it was time.
Our world has become much darker. We desperately need the kids and their families to hear the call. “Come inside where it’s safe.” The world is rapidly becoming bleaker as the generations race by, yet our children are running towards the night. We must proclaim a message that grabs their attention, one that they understand and that will break the magnetic attraction of the increasingly dark world.
“You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14; 16
"When You See Fireflies"
If you're ministering to children, then you are working with Generation Alpha. If you want to reach them, you need to understand them. This book contains comprehensive research plus practical ideas for your ministry.
Heading 3
Equipping Fireflies exists to produce materials for Children's Ministries that are clear on the Gospel.
Our priority is that children hear the good news that when Jesus died on the cross, He did EVERYTHING that God requires for us to go to heaven when we die.
Statistics show that most Christians trusted Christ between the ages of 3 and 12. It is our passion to reach children for Jesus. We are here to serve, equip, and encourage Children's Ministry leaders and parents.
"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God.”
D.L. Moody