Chapter 2
1 Barna Group Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus How Ministry Leaders & Parents Partner in Faith Formation 2020.
2 “50% of children will experience an absent parent by age 18 with three out of five mothers of infants working outside of the home, requiring alternative childcare or supervision” Stephanie Kramer, “U.S. Has World’s Highest Rate of Children Living in Single-Parent Households,” Pew Research Center, December 12, 2019, https://
3 https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/.
7 Bell, Valerie, Resilient, Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Pub. Co. 2020, 38.
8 Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians, Releases in Culture & Media © Barna Group, May 9, 2017 www.barna.com/research/competing-worldviews-influence-todays-christians/.
9 Hettie Brittz Barna Group Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus How Ministry Leaders & Parents Partner in Faith Formation 2020, 26.
10 https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/13/cdc-mental-healthpandemic-394832/
11 Journal of Affective Disorders in June and it analyzed data collected from more than 350,000 college students across 373 campuses between 2013 and 2021. Quoted by Andrew Mark Miller https://www.foxnews.com/us/majority-college-students-suffering-frommental-illness-anxiety-depression-rise-study. August 19, 2022.
12 CDC acting Principal Deputy Director Debra Houry, in a press release of the CDC’s findings. April 1, 2021.
13 CDC acting Principal Deputy Director Debra Houry, in a press release of the CDC’s findings. April 1, 2021.
Chapter 3
14 https://www.barna.com/research/six-reasons-young-christians-leavechurch/.
15 Bell, Valerie, Resilient, Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Pub. Co. 2020, 28.
16 Matt Markins, Barna Group, Children’s Ministry in a New Reality. Building Church Communities That Cultivate Lasting Faith, 2022.
17 Barna, George. Children’s Ministry in a New Reality Building Church Communities That Cultivate Lasting Faith, 2022, 9-10.
Chapter 4
18 McCrindle, Mark, Fell, Ashley & Buckerfield, Sam, Generation Alpha. Understanding our Children and Helping them Thrive. Hachette Australia. Kindle Edition.
19 From 2010 to 2019 — the first nine years of Generation Alpha births — the United States saw educational attainment improve among adults between the ages of 25 and 34. During this time frame, adults grew more likely to hold an associate (8% to 9%), bachelor’s (22% to 26%) or graduate (9% to 11%) degree as their highest level of educational attainment. Not surprisingly, the share of adults who didn’t graduate from high school (13% to 8%) and only graduated from high school (48% to 46%) fell during this same time frame.
20 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/generation-alpha-after-gen-z_l_5d420ef4e4b0aca341181574.
21 https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/08/ideal-size-of-theamerican-family/.
22 Carter, 2016, Understanding Generation Alpha Preprint, June 2020 DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/d2e8g.
23 Between 2000 and 2010, the Hispanic population grew by 43 percent, rising from 35.3 million in 2000 to 50.5 million in 2010, accounting for more than half of the 27.3 million increase in the total U.S. population. The Asian alone population grew faster than any other major race group between 2000 and 2010, also increasing by 43 percent, from 10.2 million in 2000 to 14.7 million in 2010. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb11-cn125.html.
Chapter 5
24 Hudson, Dale Fertile Soil, See Kid’sFaith Grow and Flourish for A Lifetime. Dale Hudson www.buildingchildrensministry.com, 2022, 20.
25 Amrit Kumar Jha, Understanding Generation Alpha, June 2020, 5, quoting Turk, 2017, Tootell et al., 2014; Williams, 2015.
26 https://inspiramarketing.com/heres-what-marketers-need-to-knowabout-gen-alpha/.
27 McCrindle, Mark. Generation Alpha, Hachette Australia. Kindle Edition.
28 What does too much screen time do to children’s brains?’, J. Cross, Health Matters New York-Presbyterian, accessed 11 February 2021. https://healthmatters.nyp.org/how-to-manage-kids-screen-timeduring-the-covid-19-pandemic/.
29 https://time.com/3858309/attention-spans-goldfish/.
30 Bedtime Use of Technology and Associated Sleep Problems in Children “Hours of television time has been linked with poor sleep quantity and quality as well. A study of children ages 4 to 11 found that increased screen time was associated with increased sleep anxiety, increased night waking, and increased total sleep disturbance.9 Studies of pediatric populations have also shown that watching evening television resulted in significantly shorter total sleep duration.” National Library of Medicine. October, 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5669315/#:~:text=A%20study%20of%20children%20ages,and%20increased%20total%20sleep%20disturbance.&text=Studies%20of%20pediatric%20populations%20have,significantly%20shorter%20total%20sleep%20duration.
31 Further, research shows that children, preteens, and teenagers are using massive amounts of media and those with more screen time have been shown to have increased obesity, reduced physical activity, and decreased health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4338000/#:~:text=Further%2C%20research%20shows%20that%20children,physical%20activity%2C%20and%20decreased%20health.
32 https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/generation-alpha-thechildren-of-the-millennial.
Chapter 6
33 Michayla White, Millennial Parents of Faith in a Post-2020 World. D6 Conference, April 7-9, 2021, https://d62021.sched.com/event/iGXY/millennial-parents-of-faith-in-a-post-2020-world
34 McCrindle, Mark. Generation Alpha. Hachette Australia. Kindle Edition. 134-135.
35 ‘Births, Australia’, December 2020, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Births, Australia, accessed 15 March 2021. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/births-australia/latest-release.
36 Elmore, Tim; McPeak, Andrew. Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population (p. 25). Poet Gardner. Kindle Edition.
37 McCrindle, Mark. Generation Alpha. Hachette Australia. Kindle Edition. 36.
38 https://time.com/4913687/how-kids-sports-became-15-billionindustry/.
39 https://onlinemasters.ohio.edu/blog/the-finances-of-youth-sports-inthe-united-states/.
40 https://time.com/4913687/how-kids-sports-became-15-billionindustry/.
41 Elmore, Tim; McPeak, Andrew. Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population. Poet Gardner. Kindle Edition, 34-35.
42 https://scholarshipstats.com/varsityodds/.
43 School bans most balls during recess: Smart move or going too far? Kelly Wallace, CNN October, 2013 https://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/living/parents-middle-school-bans-balls-recess.
44 Amrit Kumar Jha, Understanding Generation Alpha, June 2020. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. West Bengal, India. 9.
45 Elmore, Tim; McPeak, Andrew. Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population. Poet Gardner. Kindle Edition. 28.
Chapter 7
46 cf. Exodus 10:2: 12:26-27.
47 cf. Deut.11:18-21
48 New Revised Standard Version, Revised English Bible, New Jewish Publication Society Version.
49 cf. Psalm 78:2-7.
50 1 Samuel 1:10-16; 2 Samuel 12:16; Lamentations 2:19.
51 Matthew 21:16; 2 Timothy 3:15.
52 Proverbs 3:11-12; 13:1, 24; 19:18; 23:12-14; 29:15-17,21; Colossians 3:20.
53 Isaiah 7:15; Acts 26:4.
54 Lawrence, Jerry, “Forming Faith in Families,” Dissertation presented
to Dallas Theological Seminary, May 2005.
55 Jerry Lawrence, 144-5. Barna found a similar result. “Our national surveys have shown that while 4 out of 5 parents (85 percent) believe that they have the primary responsibility for the moral and spiritual development of their children, more than two out of three of them abdicate that responsibility to the church. Their virtual abandonment of leading their children spiritually is evident in how infrequently they engage in faith-oriented activities with their young ones... In short, most families do not have a genuine spiritual life together . . . how do parents reconcile the apparent contradiction between saying that they have the primary responsibility for the spiritual development of their children and their practice of dropping off the kids for others to provide virtually all of the spiritual instruction that their children receive? By believing that because they are responsible and yet personally incapable of meeting their children’s spiritual needs, the best thing they can do is to seek the help of others who are more skilled in spiritual matters. Based on their upbringing and the prevailing cultural assumptions, they believe that their church is the best provider of spiritual nurturing for their kids.”
56 Dr. Denise Muirkjesbo, Barna Group, Building Church Communities That Cultivate Lasting Faith 2022, 45.
57 Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003, 81.
58 Sam Luce, Barna, George. Children’s Ministry in a New Reality Building Church Communities That Cultivate Lasting Faith, 2022, 30.
59 https://research.lifeway.com/2019/01/15/most-teenagers-drop-outof-church-as-young-adults/ https://www.barna.com/research/resilientdisciples/.
Chapter 8
60 https://www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
61 www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
62 https://faithit.com/12-reasons-millennials-over-church-sam-eaton/.
Chapter 9
63 https://www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
64 https://www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
65 https://www.barna.com/research/six-reasons-young-christians-leavechurch/.
66 https://www.dictionary.com/browse/irrelevant https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/irrelevant https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/irrelevant.
67 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2017/201706_NSFG.htm https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2020/05/06/CDC-40-of-US-teens-are-sexually-active/8811588709258/.
68 https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/11/06/marriageand-cohabitation-in-the-u-s/.
69 https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-cohabitation-still-linked-to-greater-oddsof-divorce.
70 Michael Lipka, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/08/24/whyamericas-nones-left-religion-behind/.
71 Tessa Landrum, www.kentuckytoday.com/baptist-life/gen-z-is-spiritually-illiterate-and-abandoning-church-how-did-we-get-here/article_ea994828-6cd4-5fbd-8352-496ef3eb9c8e.html/.
72 https://www.barna.com/research/2015-state-of-atheism-in-america/.
73 www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
74 https://resources.gloo.us/knowyourcommunity/cf/ A free resource will help you better understand the demographics and patterns of those living within a radius of your church. You’ll get insights into age, income, family, behavioral health, and more.
75 https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/11/06/marriageand-cohabitation-in-the-u-s/.
77 https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/10/09/nones-on-therise/.
78 www.barna.com/research/atheism-doubles-among-generation-z/.
80 https://news.gallup.com/poll/393737/belief-god-dips-new-low.aspx. The vast majority of U.S. adults believe in God, but the 81% who do so is down six percentage points from 2017 and is the lowest in Gallup’s trend. Between 1944 and 2011, more than 90% of Americans believed in God. Gallup’s May 2-22 Values and Beliefs poll finds 17% of Americans saying they do not believe in God.
81 Dalia Fahmy, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/04/25/key-findings-about-americans-belief-in-god/.
82 https://answersingenesis.org/church/sunday-school-syndrome/.
83 https://www.barna.com/research/2015-state-of-atheism-in-america/.
Chapter 10
84 Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Sharpen the Saw.
85 DeVries, Mark and Annette Safstrom, Sustainable Children’s Ministry— From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018, 48.
86 Hudson, Dale, Fertile Soil, See Kid’sFaith Grow and Flourish for A Lifetime. Dale Hudson www.buildingchildrensministry.com, 2022, 205.
87 “Seventy one percent of the teacher’s we’ve certified received no formal training prior to enrolling in our program.” Children’s Ministry Academy, Online Certification Program, 2011, http://www.childrensministryacademy/ (accessed March 22, 2022).
Chapter 11
88 Elmore, Tim; McPeak, Andrew. Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population. Poet Gardner. Kindle Edition. 366-367.
89 Hudson, Dale, Fertile Soil, See Kid’sFaith Grow and Flourish for A Lifetime. Dale Hudson www.buildingchildrensministry.com, 2022, 90.
90 Hettie Brittz, Barna Group, Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus How Ministry Leaders & Parents Partner in Faith Formation 2020.
Chapter 12
91 William Damon, “The Age of Obsession,” Newsweek, October 18, 1999, p. 71.
92 Dan Scott, Barna Group Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus How Ministry Leaders & Parents Partner in Faith Formation 2020.
93 Quote by Karl Bastian, Looking Ahead: Trends in Children’s Ministry 2013 KIDOLOGY, INC, Study by UNC Chapel Hill, Southern Baptist Convention https://www.kidology.org/zones/zone_post.asp?post_id=2964.
94 https://www.barna.com/research/current-perceptions/.
95 National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2015). Supportive Relationships and Active Skill-Building Strengthen the Foundations of Resilience: Working Paper No. 13. Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu.
96 https://www.barna.com/research/5-reasons-millennials-stayconnected-to-church/ Accessed May 21, 2022.
97 Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003, 24. Quoted from EPM Communications, Research Alert Yearbook, 2003, (New York: n.p.,n.d.) pp. 97-102, 317-326.
Chapter 13
98 Average Learning Retention Rates: Monologue (5%) Reading (10%) Audio visual (20%) Demonstration (30%) Dialogue (50%) Practice doing (75%) Teaching others (90%) www.educationcorner.com/thelearning-pyramid.html/.
99 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
100 https://www.cambridge-community.org.uk/professional-development/gswal/index.html
101 Beckwith, Ivy. Formational Children’s Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2010, 24.
Chapter 14
102 Rob Hoskins, OneHope President, Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus, A Barna Report Produced in Partnership with OneHope, 7.
103 Barna Group Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus How Ministry Leaders & Parents Partner in Faith Formation 2020, 10.
Chapter 15
104 Sam Luce, Why Our Children’s Ministries Should Be More Like Mr. Rogers and Less Like Disney May 16, 2022 http://samluce.com/2020/12/why-our-kids-ministries-should-be-more-like-mr-rogers-and-less-likedisney/.
105 Matt Markins & Dan Lovaglia, The Gospel Truth about Children’s Ministry. 2015 (Streamwood, IL: Awana Clubs International, 53.
106 1 Sam. 2:18; 2 Kings 5:2-4; 22:1-2; Prov 20:11.
107 McCrindle, Mark, Fell, Ashley & Buckerfield, Sam, Generation Alpha. Understanding our Children and Helping them Thrive. Hachette Australia. Kindle Edition. 95.
108 Sam Luce, Why Our Children’s Ministries Should Be More Like Mr. Rogers and Less Like Disney. May 16, 2022 http://samluce.com/2020/12/why-our-kids-ministries-should-be-more-like-mr-rogers-and-less-likedisney/.
Chapter 16
109 Check out www.Grace4Kidz.org for complete Milestone class packages.
110 Beckwith, Ivy. Formational Children’s Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2010, 136.
111 Beckwith, Ivy. Formational Children’s Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2010, 132.
112 Jutila, Craig., et al. Children’s Ministry That Works! Loveland, CO: Group Publishing. 2002, 59-60.
113 Beckwith, Ivy. Formational Children’s Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 2010, 132.
Chapter 17
114 Jutila, Craig., et al. Children’s Ministry That Works! Loveland, CO: Group Publishing. 2002. 41.
115 “Who is Responsible for Children’s Faith Formation.” Barna Group, March 19, 2019. https://www.barna.com/research/children-faithformation/(accessed April 23, 2019).
116 https://www.kidology.org/tabletalker.
117 Tode, Chantal, www.marketingdive.com/ex/mobilemarketer/cms/news/research/19755.html/.
118 www.eztexting.com/blog/42-unbelievable-text-message-marketingstatistics-will-blow-your-mind/.
119 Tode, Chantal, www.marketingdive.com/ex/mobilemarketer/cms/news/research/19755.html/.
120 Tode, Chantal, www.marketingdive.com/ex/mobilemarketer/cms/news/research/19755.html/.
Chapter 18
121 Fowler, Larry. Rock-Solid Children’s Ministry: Biblical Principles that Will Transform Your Ministry Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2013, 86.
122 Murrow, David, Why Men Hate Going to Church. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002. 38.
123 Murrow, David, Why Men Hate Going to Church. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002, 203.
124 George Barna, The Second Coming of the Church, Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 1998, 80.
125 David Murrow, Why Men Hate Going to Church. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002. 99.
126 Ron Martin, Evergreen, CO.
127 Fowler, Larry. Rock-Solid Children’s Ministry: Biblical Principles that Will Transform Your Ministry Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2013, 94.
128 Fowler, Larry. Rock-Solid Children’s Ministry: Biblical Principles that Will Transform Your Ministry Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2013, 92.
129 https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces.
Chapter 19
130 Matt Markins & Dan Lovaglia, The Gospel Truth about Children’s Ministry 2015 (Streamwood, IL: Awana Clubs International, 15, 17.
131 https://ministry-to-children.com/childrens-ministry-statistics/.
132 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
133 Larry Moyer, Evantel, Bad News, Good News.
134 cf. Acts 26:4-11 (Before), Acts 26:12-18 (How), Acts 26:19-22 (After).
135 Facebook post on Children’s Pastors and Children’s Ministry Leaders.
136 David Staal, Leading KIDS to Jesus: How to Have One-on-One Conversations About Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006, 88.
137 www.barna.com/research/atheism-doubles-among-generation-z/.
138 https://blog.penningtonpublishing.com/reading/dont-teach-to-the-lcd/.
139 Hudson, Dale Fertile Soil, See Kid’s Faith Grow and Flourish for A Lifetime. Dale Hudson www.buildingchildrensministry.com, https://
140 Hudson, Dale Fertile Soil, See Kid’s Faith Grow and Flourish for A Lifetime. Dale Hudson https://www.buildingchildrensministry.com/single-post/something-that-recently-scared-me-in-children-sministry.
141 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
142 Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003.50.
143 Lois E. LeBar, Children in the Bible School (Westwood, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1962), 27.
Chapter 20
144 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
145 Jerry Lawrence, Forming Faith in Families: A Survey of the Parents and Children of Dallas Bible Church. Dallas Theological Seminary, May 2005. 150.
146 Larry Fowler. Rock Solid Kids: Giving Children a Biblical Foundation for Life Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 107.
147 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
Chapter 21
148 https://www.barna.com/research/six-reasons-young-christians-leavechurch/.
149 www.barna.com/research/atheism-doubles-among-generation-z/.
150 www.barna.com/research/atheism-doubles-among-generation-z/.
151 https://www.barna.com/research/six-reasons-young-christians-leavechurch/.
152 https://www.barna.com/research/six-reasons-young-christians-leavechurch/.
153 Some great parenting video resources include: https://axis.org/ and https://saddlebackparents.com/author/amyk/.
154 Dembowczyk, Brian, Gospel-Centered Kids Ministry Nashville, TN: Lifeway Press, 2017. 125.
155 DeVries, Mark and Annette Safstrom, Sustainable Children’s Ministry— From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2018. 192.
156 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897.
Chapter 22
157 Psalm 127:3.
158 The healing of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:31), healing a leper (Mark 1:41), raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:41) and feeding over 5000 people from 5 loaves and two fish (Mark 6:35-44).
159 Cf. Mark 8:14-21,32-33; 9:5,32,38; 10:35-45.
160 Cf. Parallel passages: Matthew 18:6-14; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:1-2.
161 Cf. Matthew 24:41.
162 Cf. Josephus, The Antiquities of the Jews 14. 15. 10. Grassmick, John D. 1985. “Mark.” In The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, edited by J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, 2:147. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
163 Swanson, James. 1997. In Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament), electronic ed. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc. 4624. σκανδαλίζω (skandalizō), (“scandalize”); VERB. cause sin to. make to stumble; to cause to stumble; give offense to., to fall away; being offended or tripped up that could cause falling away from the right path. to entrap, i.e., trip up (figurative. stumble). Various uses: 1. cease believing (Matt 13:21); 2. fall into sin (2 Cor. 11:29); 3. take offense, be offended by some action (Matt 15:12); 4. cause another to no longer believe (John 6:61), 5. cause to sin (Matt 5:29; Rom 14:21 6. give offense, cause another anger or shock, implying sin will be involved if carried out (Matt 17:27; John 6:61).
164 Newman, Barclay Moon, and Philip C. Stine. 1992. A Handbook on the Gospel of Matthew. UBS Handbook Series. New York: United Bible Societies.
165 Mark 1:41, Luke 19, Mark 5, Mark 10, John 4.
166 Ingle, Clifford, Ed. Children and Conversion. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press. 1970. 40-41.
167 Zuck, Roy B. Precious in His Sight: Childhood and Children in the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996. 213.
168 Charles Spurgeon, A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children. “Come, Ye Children”—Three Admonitions, Chapter 13 London: Passmore and Alabaster 1897. 169 Cf. Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17.
Chapter 23
170 Herbert J. Freudenberger with Geraldine Richelson, Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement. New York, NY: Anchor Press, 1981. 91.
171 Barna, George. Children’s Ministry in a New Reality Building Church Communities That Cultivate Lasting Faith, 2022, 84.
Chapter 25
172 Roy B. Zuck Precious in His Sight: Childhood and Children in the Bible Wipf and Stock, 2012, 202.