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About Equipping Fireflies...

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Equipping Fireflies began as Grace4Kidz in 2021 because of a passion to reach children for Jesus with the clear message that Jesus died for our sins and fully paid our sin penalty. 


Janine McNally, D.Min. - Founder and Director​

The founder, Janine McNally, is an adjunct professor of Christian Education at Grace School of Theology in Houston, TX, an author, curriculum writer, and doctoral student in her spare time. Formerly a high school teacher and youth worker in Australia, she now makes her home in the United States with her husband, Gary.

They met at Dallas Theological Seminary, where she was completing her Masters in Theology, and then spent 10 years planting a church in New Jersey. They pastored a large church in Pennsylvania before moving to Colorado, where she became the Children's Director in her church.

Along the way, they had three (now grown) children, Hannah, Jonathan, and Jami and three grandchildren. They recently moved to Florida, where Equipping Fireflies, Inc. is now located.

Janine says,
"While working as the Children's Ministry Director at our local church, I developed a passion to reach children, but was often frustrated by the confusing messages in the curriculums and resources that we purchased. Equipping Fireflies, Inc. was born out of that desire to produce and distribute quality resources with a clear message." 

Equipping Fireflies has grown in its mission to now include equipping leaders and parents to reach out and draw children into The LIGHT.
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When working with children, it is crucial to be as clear and consistent as possible, so Equipping Fireflies uses the same Bad News, Good News gospel message throughout all of its resources.

Bad News

1. I am a Sinner – “For all have sinned.” Romans 3:23.

2. The Wages of Sin is Death - “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.


Good News

1. Jesus Paid my Sin Penalty on the Cross - “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.

2. I am Saved by Believing - “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.

Do you Believe? “Whoever hears my Word and believes in Him who sent Me HAS eternal life.” John 5:24

Outline originally published by Dr. Larry Moyer, Evantell, Inc.


Creator of the Spyence Kids Church Curriculum

After 11 years as a Children’s Pastor, I’ve come to the conclusion there are 3 kinds of resources available for teaching kids:

1. Resources that water down the truth because they think kids are too young to teach them “real” theology.

2. Resources that over-explain and “interpret” God’s Word instead of letting it speak for itself. If you’ve seen a Gospel tract that takes John 3:16’s “whoever believes in Him” and turns it into 7 steps to take to get saved, you know what I’m talking about.

3. Finally, there are resources that teach the Bible and let it speak for itself. Praise God, these materials from Grace4Kidz fall solidly into the 3rd category."


We recently hosted a Generation Alpha Conference at which Dr. Janine McNally spoke to parents, grandparents, and children's ministry workers. While she was here, she observed our children's ministry program, and provided valuable advice and vision for our Children's Ministry Director.


Any senior pastor who wants to reach Generation Alpha -- birth to pre-teens, tomorrow's church leaders! -- should book Dr. McNally. She teaches workers to present a clear and understandable gospel message, and gives hands-on advice on creating an exciting and inviting environment for children's ministry to happen.


Highly recommended!

GraceLife Ministries
Founder & Director

One of the more frequent questions I get is where to find children's teaching resources that keep the gospel of grace free and clear.

The answer is here:

Children struggle with assurance of salvation because they are not taught about the gospel of grace. Often language is confusing and unclear, or worse. contradictory. Grace4Kidz has a clear message for activities, holidays, gospel tracts, and more. It is exciting to think about how this new resource ministry will enrich children's ministry around the world.

Check it out. Use it!


Wow, Janine!

As a Kidz Club counsellor and a Sunday school/Nursery teacher I seek constantly to improve the skills God has given me.  I have never before heard of the Bad News/Good News posters. Today, I will be looking online to purchase them or perhaps could make them myself.

Thanks so very, very much, Janine. You have enriched our children's programming.

God bless you!!


I loved this ebook and now I'm so ready for your book!!! I have been screaming this and can't seem to get traction and so I'm ready to get my hands on tools and strategies.  

So excited!!!


A GREAT resource for grace-oriented materials for kids. LOVE IT !!!

 I have just begun reading your awesome Generation Alpha ebook.

God has given you great insight into the problems facing our children.  As a former educator of pre-school children and as a Christian educator at our church, I agree completely with the first few pages I have read.

Thank you for being faithful to God's call on your life.  Your book will richly impact how I reach out to the children God has placed in my classes.

God bless you in all you do for Him, Janine!!


Thank you soo much!  Your ebook has been incredibly insightful and I will be going all in for your book very soon!  Thank you for researching Gen Alpha and putting out the resources- everything from the e-book to the YouTube videos, I know it wasn't easy and so please know that this Texas Kid Pastor very much appreciated it!

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What We Believe...

We affirm the Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety is the inspired Word of God and is therefore inerrant in the autographs. Furthermore, God is a Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in power and glory. As members of this tradition, we are concerned about the clear understanding, presentation, and advancement of the Gospel of God’s Free Grace.

We affirm the following:

  • The Grace of God in justification is an unconditional free gift.

  • The sole means of receiving the free gift of eternal life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross as our substitute, fully satisfying the requirement for our justification, and was raised bodily from the dead.

  • Faith is a personal response, apart from our works, whereby we are persuaded that the finished work of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, has delivered us from condemnation and guaranteed our eternal life.

  • Justification is the act of God to declare us righteous when we believe in Jesus Christ alone.

  • Assurance of justification is the birthright of every believer from the moment of faith in Jesus Christ, and is founded upon the testimony of God in His written Word.

  • Spiritual growth, which is distinct from justification, is God’s expectation for every believer; this growth, however, is not necessarily manifested uniformly in every believer.

  • The Gospel of Grace should always be presented with such clarity and simplicity that no impression is left that justification requires any step, response, or action in addition to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Recommended Resources:

Spyence is an inexpensive, Biblically-based children's curriculum that blends excellent artwork, graphics, and teaching videos with easy-to-use materials that your teachers will love!
GraceLife is an excellent website, full of resources and dedicated to sharing the gospel of grace with the unsaved and the grace of the gospel with the saved
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